Sunday, July 12, 2009

Austin's 6 month Stats:

Weight: 20.15 lbs (4 months - 18.5 lbs)- 95%
Height: 28 1/4 inches (4 months - 26 in) - 95%
Head: 44 cm (4 months - 43 cm) - 50% (yay, his head is finally proportionate to his body :)

Austin and I had a great weekend! Rob had to work, so it was just the two of us. Ooh, Rob did get off early Friday and we bought a new sofa that was delivered this morning, yay!!! we've been looking for quite some time, but didn't take the plunge until now. It's amazing!!!!!! On Saturday, Austin and I ran errands allll day - we met auntie jenn at ikea for lunch and to look around - too bad everything in the kids section looks like it'll break! Then we went to wal-mart and toysrus and then went and hung out at uncle jerjer's for a little while. Today, we've played and played and I've actually gotten alot done during his nap times (which he's taking right now!).

Hope everyone has a great week :)

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